Innernet: Journey into Awareness
and Anima Mundi


April 21, 2024


U.G. Krishnamurti. The Divine Anarchist

u g krishnamurti2.jpgU.G. Krishnamurti lives off of whatever fits in the small suitcase he carries with him around the world. Already a renown speaker at the age of 19, a fully educated Brahmin, destined for unparalleled spiritual and intellectual greatness, U.G. left it all. A true master of Advaita-Vedanta, although he would never label himself as such. A man without face, without shame, without pride. A man who is truly free; a man unadorned.

It is December 21, 2001 in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Just the night before I had met my friend Kirsti on the dirt road outside of Ramana Maharshi’s ashram in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. Kirsti, originally from Finland, had come to India on three week tour twenty-five years ago, became a sadhu and has never stepped outside of Indian soil since. Read more